Librarianship Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic : A Review


  • Dr. Babita Kalita


Librarianship, social media, Covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of the people.Its implications are not only limited to the economic field but also have posed serious problems for the teaching-learning and research communities. Numerous reports have already shown how the pandemic has penetrated into the lives of all individuals. To bring back normalcy, various people from the various fields have come forward. The librarians who are vested with the responsibility of academic resource management played a tremendous role during the pandemic. Librarianship emerged to be the frontrunner in addressing the needs and demands of the varied users. Moreover, the profession also undertakes social responsibilities in mitigating the crisis of the pandemic. This paper clearly maps there markable role of librarians during the Covid-19 pandemic in different parts of the globe. It was also found that there are certain problems that are still not addressed and which pose as a major roadblock in the development of the service, especially in the case of developing countries like India and its rural settings. As such, serious attention needs to be laid to address the obstacles and strive for the betterment of the profession. This pandemic is however the resurgence of librarianship at this critical juncture as it not only provided amply challenges but also opportunities for the professionals to self-introspect and play their professional role in a more
innovative way in the coming days.




How to Cite

Dr. Babita Kalita. (2021). Librarianship Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic : A Review. GRANTHAKUTI - A Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal on Libraryand Information Science and Related Studies, 7(1), 99–108. Retrieved from


