- A Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal on Libraryand Information Science and Related Studies2022-03-27T16:15:01+00:00Dr. Jitu Buragohainjitu.buragohain@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>The <strong>Granthakuti</strong> Journal is a scholarly communication of education, research and development of Library and Information Science (LIS). It aims to promote LIS literature and to make a relationship between LIS and other disciplines. It is published with different themes annually in print as well as online mode. This publication is fully funded by Dibru College, accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade (2017). The first volume was published in 2014 with ISSN : 2349-7386. From its inception, it has been published as peer reviewed journal. Each and every paper has been reviewed by eminent experts<br />in LIS field and independent referees.</p> and the Library and Information Services : A Study2022-03-27T14:43:33+00:00Dr. Narendra<p>Internet has become an integral part for different library activities: library’s workings and extending services. Libraries are now meeting user community inside and outside the library establishment and are possible for the extensive use of ICT devices in library activities in present internet environment. All library works starting from selection and acquisition and extending different services<br>can be performed using Internet connectivity. Such activities can be successfully done with increased speed, within minimum time and also is cost effective. The article discussed on the various advantageous factors experienced by the library and information centres because of use of Internet.</p>2022-03-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 GRANTHAKUTI - A Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal on Libraryand Information Science and Related Studies and Awareness of Online Databases by the Faculties and Research Scholars of UkaTarsadia University (UTU), Surat: A Study2022-03-27T14:57:56+00:00Rakesh Trivedirakeshtri1986@gmail.comDr. Mital<p>The main purpose of this study was to examine the awareness level and usage of online databases by faculty members and research scholars at Uka Tarsadia University. A questionnaire-based survey method has been used in this research. A total of 135 questionnaires were distributed but 130 were returned duly filled in as a sample. The study reveals that most of them were well aware of the online databases and mostly use them for their research work and teaching purposes. It is also found that the main problem is Uka Tarsadia University has to subscribe to more and relevant databases.</p>2021-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 and its scope of application in academic libraries: An introduction2022-03-27T15:17:47+00:00Dr. Nirmal Ranjan<p>Library & information centers are now dependent on various information and communication technology enabled tools. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought revolutionary changes in all kinds of service-oriented organizations as a whole and as a service-oriented organization, library is not an exceptional one. In the present age of ICT, the libraries are becoming more usercentric and user-friendly as most of the service as well as working areas of libraries are now reliant on a computer-system with a bundle of different application software. Besides, Google, the most popular search engine is being used in libraries for providing better library service. Google has lots of application tools which can be adopted in a library environment as an infrastructure. In this paper, some of such tools are discussed which can be linked with some library services. The pros and cons of using such tools are also noted. Some academic libraries of international repute are also mentioned as example where different tools of Google are being used.</p>2021-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 areas of Libraries during lockdown in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation2022-03-27T15:23:04+00:00Deepamoni<p>The sudden outbreak of corona virus affected the whole world. During this period educational institutions are also closed and teaching-learning activities are continued online. Libraries as an important part of an academic institution and as a service oriented organization continued its work as a support system by guiding their users about the different online resource repositories which are<br>accessible at free of cost or paying with a minimum fees. It gives emphasis on the use of online resources and repositories which is helpful to free access during the pandemic period. During lockdown educational institutions are closed and to support the teaching-learning activities use of online e-resources are helpful to continue study from its disruption. The study highlights the extension areas for giving orientation for the use of online resources and introducing the platforms that provides online courses. The study identifies the supporting activities of libraries and other library organizations of Assam in teaching-learning activities during pandemic period. The research study uses observation and descriptive method. The study is theoretical based on the online resources used and programs participated during covid-19 pandemic period. The findings describe different online repositories such as NLIST, Shoodhganga, JSTOR, NDL etc for open access of e-resources. It also highlights the online platforms for online courses such as SWAYAM, MOOCs, NPTEL etc. The study describes the role of ACLA, ALA and LISPA in organizing programs and giving technical support to other departments for organizing programes.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Resources and Services of Degree College Libraries affiliated to Dibrugarh University, Assam with special reference to Lakhimpur and Dhemaji District : A Study2022-03-27T15:29:24+00:00Ramyajyoti<p>College Libraries have been playing a pioneering role in the total development of the region. The quality of a College largely depends on the standards of the Library maintained by the College.College Library plays an important role in providing overall library and information services to the society. It has dramatically transformed the society’s world over. The present study highlights a comparative study of library resources and services between ten randomly selected college libraries from Lakhimpur and Dhemaji districts affiliated to Dibrugarh University of Assam. It also highlights the problems faced by the libraries. On the basis of findings, the study is concluded with some suggestions for effective activity in the management of the library.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Libraries of Assam in the Changing Environment: a survey based on the services provided in the crisis of COVID-192022-03-27T15:32:41+00:00Deijee Kalitadeijeekaita@gmail.comKankana<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has invariably changed human life. But it is not possible to close down all the services for the libraries. The paper is prepared to find out the issues faced by the library professionals to provide their normal services and some recommendations that will be helpful to provide required information to the users. The main objective of the paper is to find out the role played by the professionals of the academic libraries of Assam during the pandemic as well as to discuss the problems faced by them. The online survey method is used to collect the data among the academic library professionals of Assam. The data analysis is based on the 22 responses that had been received. The findings of the paper show that most of the academic libraries of Assam don’t have adequate<br>facilities to cope up with the pandemic situation and lockdown. Some of them have internet facilities, digital repositories and library consortium membership, but most of them failed to manage it. The library professionals are trying to improve their skills by attending various online programmes like webinars, workshops, etc.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 of Internet-based Information Resources by College Students in Kerala: A Study2022-03-27T15:37:34+00:00Dr. A.<p>In Kerala, libraries are shifting towards automation and ICT application. This is more prominent in the case of college libraries. Generally college libraries are positive towards automation and the application of ICT in library operation and services. Application of ICT helps to provide more advanced effective and efficient services in college libraries. The novel corona virus (COVID-19) presented<br>unique challenges to all the stakeholders of education system especially colleges. The sudden and unexpected outbreak of the virus forced the library professionals, to ascertain ways of working in a rapid time frame like shifting to digital platform wherever possible and to provide adequate remote services to the users. College libraries are using advanced information technology for accessing and retrieving information widely before the epidemic periods like COVID 19.</p>2021-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Comparative Study of Extension Services of the Jorhat and Lakhimpur District Libraries of Assam2022-03-27T15:41:20+00:00Himajyoti<p>This paper is based on the libraries of two districts of Assam which is highlighting the current problem and prospects being faced by Public Libraries towards extension services. It is trying to analyze the comparative study between above mentioned Districts. It is also highlighting the application of Modern Technology in providing their library services. The main aim of this paper is to measure the awareness level about extension services among the users’ community of both the region. The primary and secondary methods are used in this paper. From the survey the findings showed that in both the district libraries most of the identified extension services had not been practicing. Extension services awareness level was very pathetic among the users in both the libraries.</p>2021-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 of Web based technology and Services in Academic Libraries: An Indian Scenario2022-03-27T15:44:55+00:00Sugandha Saxenasugandhasaxena08@gmail.comJitendra<p>Academic libraries are playing a critically essential role in supporting and collaborating research of students in multidisciplinary subjects for many years now. Many colleges, institutes and universities in India have implemented the web based products and technologies in their services to satisfy the needs of their clientele. Present study represents the need of providing web based services, ways of implementing these services, helping the libraries to transform their services from traditional to digital form. It will help to evaluate the influence of web based services, electronic services and provided by library in terms of resources, infrastructure and technical processes and support the libraries in integrating these services in a better way.</p>2021-11-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic : A Review2022-03-27T15:48:58+00:00Dr. Babita<p>The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of the people.Its implications are not only limited to the economic field but also have posed serious problems for the teaching-learning and research communities. Numerous reports have already shown how the pandemic has penetrated into the lives of all individuals. To bring back normalcy, various people from the various fields have come forward. The librarians who are vested with the responsibility of academic resource management played a tremendous role during the pandemic. Librarianship emerged to be the frontrunner in addressing the needs and demands of the varied users. Moreover, the profession also undertakes social responsibilities in mitigating the crisis of the pandemic. This paper clearly maps there markable role of librarians during the Covid-19 pandemic in different parts of the globe. It was also found that there are certain problems that are still not addressed and which pose as a major roadblock in the development of the service, especially in the case of developing countries like India and its rural settings. As such, serious attention needs to be laid to address the obstacles and strive for the betterment of the profession. This pandemic is however the resurgence of librarianship at this critical juncture as it not only provided amply challenges but also opportunities for the professionals to self-introspect and play their professional role in a more<br>innovative way in the coming days.</p>2021-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Library Practices in CSIR Institutes of West Bengal in the Present Environment: A Study2022-03-27T15:52:30+00:00Dr. Jyotika<p>Innovative services and practices are the application of new ideas, new technologies, new products and also new services and practices in to the organization. It has changed our traditional practices and introducing new concepts that has impacted on libraries and caused a transformation in services and practices. The library divisions of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) institutions are known as Knowledge Resource Centers (KRC) and the KRC’s are the place where knowledge is accessed, stored, disseminated by using both traditional and innovative way. The Knowledge Resource Centres of the selected CSIR institutions of West Bengal is not exception of these. The present study is mainly focuses on the library resources available in the KRC’s and also innovative library practiced extended by the KRC’s to the scientific community.</p>2021-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Relations in Library Extension Services2022-03-27T15:57:14+00:00Tribeni<p>The prime aim of the public libraries is to satisfy the information needs of the common people through their user-oriented services for which the public libraries are known as people’s universities. This paper aims to focus on the importance of public relations in public libraries to achieve the goal through extension services. To involve the community in library activities for greater community participation extension services are the suitable methods. This aims to turn the library into a social, cultural, and intellectual centre by creating and stimulating the desire for good reading.</p>2021-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 of Library Operations and Services in Information and Communication Technology environment at MDKG College Library, Dibrugarh, Assam : A case2022-03-27T16:00:09+00:00Mr. Jadavjyoti<p>The advancements in information and communication technology have changed the very scenario of information world. The use of ICT in college libraries has great impact of the process of information storage, processing, communication and dissemination. The application ICT has facilitated the automation of library system, wide access to resources and services, transformation of data into digital format, interactive and instant service(24X7), introduce innovative services, etc. This paper, taking MDKG College library as a case, highlights the implication of ICT in various aspects of library operations and services in MDKG College Library.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 of Open Access E-Resources among the LIS Professionals of North-East India: A Study2022-03-27T16:03:30+00:00Dr. Anupam<p>Open access e-resources nowadays are in high demand. Awareness of open access e-resources will save time and money as well. All the open access e-resources are freely available on the internet, but to access these a person needs a computer device and internet connection and a little knowledge on how to access open access e-resources. If someone has a good idea about open access e resources, she/he can save lots of time and money so awareness about open access e-resources is very necessary nowadays. The study was conducted to know the awareness about open access e-resources among the LIS professionals of North-east India. The study revealed that most of the LIS professionals are aware and use the open access e-resources. The study also showed that e-journal is the most preferred open access e-resources among LIS professionals. Most of the LIS professionals use the open access e-resources<br>for updating the domain knowledge and most of the LIS professionals are fully satisfied with the use of open access e-resources. Poor internet connectivity is the main problem and also the inadequate number of computers is one of the problems faced by LIS professionals in accessing/using the open access eresources. From the study, the researcher suggested that more awareness programs should be conducted and Govt. should take the initiative to upgrade the internet connectivity in the rural areas so that every one can use open access e-resource.</p>2021-11-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 and Utilization of Departmental Library of Folklore Research, Gauhati University: A Study2022-03-27T16:07:33+00:00Dr. Kishore<p>Library is vital component of each department of a university, because it is very helpful for the students, research scholars and teachers of the department. The departmental library can help them in a short time. The departmental library of folklore research is engaged in making study of different Folk cultures of different community from its inception. There are many valuable books and other reading material in the library.The department covers different aspects of Folklore of Assam and North-East through its research projects. This paper elaborates the role of departmental library in folk research and use of library by the research scholar.</p>2021-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 review of difficulties and challenges of Librarians in developing Academic Libraries in Charaideo and Sibsagar District during COVID-19 pandemic2022-03-27T16:10:44+00:00Ms. Bhagyashree<p>At present we are living in a rapidly growing society unavoidably motivated by the increasing volume of knowledge. Some major developments in the academic libraries include online scholarly communication, mobile technologies, social media application and digital preservation. To fit into this new information landscape, academic librarians have assumed new roles. The purpose of this paper<br>is to find out the difficulties and challenges faced by the librarians to develop their libraries in Charaideo and Sibsagar district, Assam. The major challenges of libraries are lacking in ICT infrastructure, poor library and slow acceptance of open access resources, resistance to change, and difficulty in the importation of books and journals.</p>2021-11-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Model of Public Library in Rural and Social Development2022-03-27T16:15:01+00:00Dr. Vijaykumar B.<p>To be a civilized human and create a civilized society it is important to have knowledge through which we became educated in different fields. This knowledge may be practical i.e. experienced gained through day to day incidents. Another is knowledge received through books. Books provide a wide variety of knowledge in every field. We can know the history through the literature given in the books. Libraries should build organization that support learning. Now in rural areas also, people like farmers, school children, women and youth are taking active part in development through library. Rural Development generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life and economic well being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Rural Development is<br>also characterized by its emphasis on locally produced economic development strategies. Rural Development actions are mainly and mostly to development of social and economic condition in rural areas.</p>2021-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022